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TRÜ Scan Powder

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Check Out The Scan Result Before And After TRÜ Scan Powder! TRÜ Scan Powder comes in with a FREE brush. Every dental technician understands the struggle when their lab scanner cannot scan titanium bars or abutments accurately due to...


Scanspray | CAD Scan Spray

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Scanspray from Renfert is used to matte the surface of CAD/CAM restorations. It is ideal for all optical scanner systems and also for scanning impressions. Accurate edge representation Undistorted surfaces Instantly-adhering color layer 200ml container...


Silent CompactCAM | CAM Dust Extractor

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The Silent CompactCAM Dust Extractor from Renfert is a small workplace extraction unit optimized for use with dental CAM units. Its SPS interface allows for intelligent bi-directional communication between the extractor unit and your CAM unit, and it...